I chose to take notes on Sherlock Holmes. These are my notes, written so they'll make sense and with my own reflections.
Sherlock Holmes,
If you were to describe Holmes with just words I would say he's; Smart, Calculative, obsessive, logic and way to honest. He is a private detective that along with his friend and assosiate Dr. Watson takes on jobs helping scotland yard and private persons - in this movie they are trying to catch a killer, which turnes out to be alot more difficult than they had counted on.
He takes every little detail into serious consideration and is able to make assumptions and further on correct calculations of what happened. Dirt on someones shoe can help tell a tale of where they've been and when. He has a weak mind and when he's not stimulated by work he gets obsessive and calmed by finding logics and making order in chaos. He is always calm and knows what chain of events gives the results he wants.
He's curious and nothing can scare him away from finding out more or telling the truth. The thing that makes Holmes stand out from the crowd I believe is his amazing ability to notice small things and then build up a whole event just on that ground.
He doesn't have a lot of friends but in his own twisted ways he is very loving and kind. He's kind of a loner and doesn't appreciate changes all that well.
The reason why I chose this movie for this assignment and a classic is because it affected alot of things. Sherlock holmes was in the beginning novels and shorter stories printed in a newspaper and was in one way according to a facts page about Sherlock Holmes what made forensic technices more modern and layed the foundation to for an example CSI.
I would also like to call this movie a classic because I believe that everything that gives inspiration to a child movie is! If you have ever seen "Basil of baker street" you know that he lives on baker street and is often drawed with the same hat as we see Sherlock Holmes in. And if we were to look at the simularities to the movie I watched, "Basil of baker street" also has two bad guys, a sidekick and a nice old lady living in the same house. Basil also has the same type of dog as Sherlock Holmes.
Further more this classic has made way to the expression "elementary, my dear watson".
Picture from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0988045/
Again, well done. Would've been interesting to see you use this character in a short story of your own, but you can't have everything, I guess :) Also, the one you did write was really good, so no complaints from me. I agree with your analysis of the Holmes character. You've done well in capturing his essence.