Does fights, cleaver assumtions and inpeccable humour sound enticing? Then Sherlock Holmes is the movie for you! In this adventure we get to follow Holmes and his charming companion Dr. Watson in their biggest and most dangerous job ever - to catch a dangerous murderer who practises dark magic and kills innocent women. Can he really be stopped?
Along their journey they meet raw assasins and corrupt leaders trying to stop them on their quest. Holmes if ofcourse a man of mystery when he solves even the hardest puzzles with his distinct ability to pay attention to details.
If you're not that interested in fights and logic experiments this movie has something more for you! Not only do we find sweet and innocent love but also a friendship that is unbreakable and a twisted romance between to masterbrains.
How will this end? Find out for yourself, rent this movie today!
English B
söndag 6 februari 2011
Watch a movie - Notes on character

I chose to take notes on Sherlock Holmes. These are my notes, written so they'll make sense and with my own reflections.
Sherlock Holmes,
If you were to describe Holmes with just words I would say he's; Smart, Calculative, obsessive, logic and way to honest. He is a private detective that along with his friend and assosiate Dr. Watson takes on jobs helping scotland yard and private persons - in this movie they are trying to catch a killer, which turnes out to be alot more difficult than they had counted on.
He takes every little detail into serious consideration and is able to make assumptions and further on correct calculations of what happened. Dirt on someones shoe can help tell a tale of where they've been and when. He has a weak mind and when he's not stimulated by work he gets obsessive and calmed by finding logics and making order in chaos. He is always calm and knows what chain of events gives the results he wants.
He's curious and nothing can scare him away from finding out more or telling the truth. The thing that makes Holmes stand out from the crowd I believe is his amazing ability to notice small things and then build up a whole event just on that ground.
He doesn't have a lot of friends but in his own twisted ways he is very loving and kind. He's kind of a loner and doesn't appreciate changes all that well.
The reason why I chose this movie for this assignment and a classic is because it affected alot of things. Sherlock holmes was in the beginning novels and shorter stories printed in a newspaper and was in one way according to a facts page about Sherlock Holmes what made forensic technices more modern and layed the foundation to for an example CSI.
I would also like to call this movie a classic because I believe that everything that gives inspiration to a child movie is! If you have ever seen "Basil of baker street" you know that he lives on baker street and is often drawed with the same hat as we see Sherlock Holmes in. And if we were to look at the simularities to the movie I watched, "Basil of baker street" also has two bad guys, a sidekick and a nice old lady living in the same house. Basil also has the same type of dog as Sherlock Holmes.
Further more this classic has made way to the expression "elementary, my dear watson".
Picture from:
The poet in me?
I've written a lot of poetry in Swedish but never in English so I thought I would give it a try. I believe it's a great challenge to express yourself in a good way in a language that you don't quite get when you are used to form your poems a certain way in Swedish. Maybe it’s worthless reading but I’ll try to make it worth the while, enjoy!
Our memories,
become long lost fairytales.
Drowning us in the tears
the world sacrifised for us.
The endings,
rewritten in the depts of our hearts.
To make it bareable.
We close our eyes,
hope and believe that is changed something.
And all the characters in our lives.
We cover our eyes
convinced that we can see all the things
invisible for our eyes.
But in reality,
we never se the cliff
before were hanging on to it by our fingertips.
We lived, loved and laughed.
Happily unknowing about the fineprints of life.
We painted butterflies, birds and flowers on the wall
to drive evil away.
We cough blood
brush gravel of our clothes,
all in hopes of waking up tomorrow, realising it's a dream
and that our special star shines just as bright as our heroes.
We declare war against life and paints the skies red with all the colours in the scale.
Laying underneath our bed with our fists demonstrating our frustration,
praying to the gods we know doesn't exist
to forget the sins we never comitted.
Our memories,
become long lost fairytales.
Drowning us in the tears
the world sacrifised for us.
The endings,
rewritten in the depts of our hearts.
To make it bareable.
We close our eyes,
hope and believe that is changed something.
And all the characters in our lives.
We cover our eyes
convinced that we can see all the things
invisible for our eyes.
But in reality,
we never se the cliff
before were hanging on to it by our fingertips.
We lived, loved and laughed.
Happily unknowing about the fineprints of life.
We painted butterflies, birds and flowers on the wall
to drive evil away.
We cough blood
brush gravel of our clothes,
all in hopes of waking up tomorrow, realising it's a dream
and that our special star shines just as bright as our heroes.
We declare war against life and paints the skies red with all the colours in the scale.
Laying underneath our bed with our fists demonstrating our frustration,
praying to the gods we know doesn't exist
to forget the sins we never comitted.
tisdag 1 februari 2011
Poetry assignment
Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)
"Not to the swift, the race:
Not to the strong, the fight:
Not to the righteous, perfect grace:
Not to the wise, the light.
But often faltering feet
Come surest to the goal;
And they who walk in darkness meet
The sunrise of the soul.
A thousand times by night
The syrian hosts have died;
A thousand times the vanquished right
Hath risen, glorified.
The truth the wise men sought
Was spoken by a child;
The alabaster box was brought
In trembling hands defiled.
Not from my torch, the gleam,
But from the stars above:
Not from my heart, life's crystal stream,
But from the depths of Love."
How to use poetry: Poetry for me could be everything and nothing at the same time. It could be meaningless blabber or it could have hidden messages and often poetry is used as a way of dealing with some of the problems in your life. Poetry is one of those things that prooves that form has no meaning what so ever, poetry can be one word, one scentence or a whole page. Poetry is in the writers and ofcourse in the beholders eyes. What's meaningless to me might mean the world to another. Poetry is also proof that there is some things that can't be controlled, sure there are some "decided" ways of poetry, certain categories. But no one can tell you that what you are writing isn't poetry.
You could use poetry as a way of showing your passion and your love towards another person, object or state of mind, crying for help or just to play with words. Poetry is a way of finding yourself, your own personal twist or to win someone over. There are alot of very talented writers and alot of poems that i believe should get alot more credit than they do. Poetry is what you make it, it's constantly changing even though the classics remain intact but yet always up to date.
Why I choose this poem: This poem is all about interpetation, it's a perfect fit to what I was trying to get through before. It's in the beholders eyes. To me this poem is a very obvious way of telling the reader that nothing is foretold, you create your own destiny and your own paths but all the descisions are based on the only thing that is certain and will follow you throughout your life in different forms and shapes; love! It tells us that the ones that makes it through difficulties are the ones that find themselves, the light inside your soul that makes you special. I like this poem mostly because it gives me room to associate with it. "The truth the wise men sought, Was spoken by a child" To me that means that the people in charge are not always the ones that finds all the answers and that even the most insignificant aspects matter. It gives me hope - not that they will ever listen, but that I can find a way to make my oppininons count.
The writer ment this poem to be about reliance, but to me it's not. And that's fine, maybe when I have read this numerous times I will get his point, but for now. I see this poem as a sort of "have faith, hope and power to you" kind of thing.
How I would use this poem: This poem to me is something you discuss, it's not exactly the sort of poem you read to your loved one, nor to a friend. It's something you interputate, analyze and enjoy.
måndag 15 november 2010
What I would like to do during this course!
Hi and welcome to my blog!
I would like to do alot of things, mostly write because that is my strongest side as far as english goes. I'm not to keen about talking infront of a group, which means - oral presentations, don't like them.
So here goes nothing,
Write short novels, because it's a good way to work with your imagination, it's a great way to develope your ability to describe things and to show what you are able to do. Not so much because it's connected to the goals we should accieve but because it's fun.
Blog for one week, about our days, thoughts, feelings and other things interesting. Maybe you could narrow it down to just school related things.
"have the ability to present contents in writing in a clear and well-structured way, as well as be able to express themselves in a varied and personal manner with respect to the audience and situation" - GOALS
You could (I'm not saying that I like this one and actually would like to do it but you COULD) prepare an oral presentation talking about christmas - and what this holiday means to you. Maybe bring up some memories or traditions. This to show that we can present something that is so obvious to us in a way that allows everyone that listens to us to actually understand and be able to picture it.
We could watch a movie and analyse it. Maybe "Brother where art thou?" because it brings a little bit of litterature and history in. It's actually a quite interesting movie where you can find alot of similarity to ancient gods and mythical creatures and connections to the bible, Odysseus? and his literary piece Odyssen?.
Well I hope you got something out of this!
Over and out
I would like to do alot of things, mostly write because that is my strongest side as far as english goes. I'm not to keen about talking infront of a group, which means - oral presentations, don't like them.
So here goes nothing,
Write short novels, because it's a good way to work with your imagination, it's a great way to develope your ability to describe things and to show what you are able to do. Not so much because it's connected to the goals we should accieve but because it's fun.
Blog for one week, about our days, thoughts, feelings and other things interesting. Maybe you could narrow it down to just school related things.
"have the ability to present contents in writing in a clear and well-structured way, as well as be able to express themselves in a varied and personal manner with respect to the audience and situation" - GOALS
You could (I'm not saying that I like this one and actually would like to do it but you COULD) prepare an oral presentation talking about christmas - and what this holiday means to you. Maybe bring up some memories or traditions. This to show that we can present something that is so obvious to us in a way that allows everyone that listens to us to actually understand and be able to picture it.
We could watch a movie and analyse it. Maybe "Brother where art thou?" because it brings a little bit of litterature and history in. It's actually a quite interesting movie where you can find alot of similarity to ancient gods and mythical creatures and connections to the bible, Odysseus? and his literary piece Odyssen?.
Well I hope you got something out of this!
Over and out
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